Deep Frequency is a short animation film directed by Angélique Paultes. More precisely it's her graduation work in the Lyon based school Emile Cohl. The music has an important place in the movie, it's almost a music video. classical 2D animation is mixed up with motion design sequences.
Tag - music
Stromae's visual identity by Bold
Here in France, (and I presume in some other countries too), Stromae is a very well known artist, having a large success these last years. One very special thing about him is his look, colourful and original. The artist has even launch his own apparel brand, inspired by his visual identity. And this identity is a great success in itself, with an amazing work of graphic design. The singer asked the belgian agency Bold to conceive it, and commonly they defined an isometric graphic system, inspired by Escher's famous impossible figures and african fabrics. Each song has its own pattern, based on a common grid. We can also notice the typographic work, with a special typeface derived from Century Gothic, in the same idea as the whole identity. And the icing on the cake : Stromae talks about his design agency in his interviews, something rare enough to be mentioned !
Samsara, an audiovisual experience
You may have notice that the blog's activity has slowed these last weeks and I'm sorry about it, but the launch of my communication studio takes me a lot of time and energy. So I'll try to take advantage of the calm of August to share with you some of my recent discoveries.
It's not already a hot news here in France, but I think that a really great documentary film is about to be launched at the end of the month trough the world. This film, called Samsara, directed by Ron Fricke and produced by Mark Magidson, is the result of 5 years of work through 25 countries. An interactive map, on the film website, shows all the locations with some photographs. Entirely shot in 70mm, the movie is conceived as a kind of guided meditation, a unique audiovisual experience in which only music and images lead the viewer's mind.
Music video : Dog Days Are Over by Florence and The Machine, directed by Legs Media
This video is not very new, it was realeased in 2010, but when I found it some days ago I immediately thought that it has its place on this blog. Directed by american video studio Legs Media, it gives the track Dog Days Are Over of Florence and The Machine a really great visual interpretation. Each instrument is embodied in one or more characters who progressively come into the video. The costumes, the plays of lights, the editing create a very original universe mixing up a lot of varied influences which reflects the originality and the richness of the music.
Andre cruz, music posters
André Cruz is a portuguese graphic designer from Porto. He works for musical events or festivals, and conceives for them the communication and more especially the posters. A quite specialized design, in a nice field, which gives the designer some large freedom in his creativity. Personaly I really like his use of typography and hand lettering, giving the pictures a great visual impact. By the way, some posters recall the work of Reid Miles, a famous designer who influenced a lot jazz music design.
Music Video : Mr Overtime by Punks Jump Up directed by Maxime Bruneel
After the beautiful music video for Variations sur Marilou by Alain Bashung, french director Maxime Bruneel is back with another really nice animation video, produced again by ChezEddy, for the track Mr Overtime by Punks Jump Up. An animated road trip, recalling the 80's atmosphere.
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