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Strange knitting masks by Tracy Widdess

Knitting masks by artist Tracy Widdess

For some years, knitting is becoming trendy, and we can see it more and more used by artists (as well as some other textile techniques). Far away from scarves and bobble hats, artists consider knitting as a medium, in order to create real pieces of art, without any utility.
Tracy Widdess, a Vancouver based artist, explores the knitting technique with a very personnal approach, by creating a series of masks. Inspired by science-fiction and old horror movies, these unidentified creatures are made with high precision, with a lot of details, giving them a curious credible look. With a bit of imagination, their show could even recall old ethnology photographs.

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Webdesigns by Vanessa Pepin

webdesign par Vanessa Pepin

Vanessa Pepin is an art director and webdesigner working for the Quebec agency Deuxhuithuit. I discovered her works on Behance and her interactive design works are very impressive. They combine legibility, typographic precision and graphic identity with a clever use of recent HTML/CSS technologies.
An interesting example is her work for Le Clou theatre, which is outstanding on several point of vues : a very legible and user friendly layout, a nice use of responsive design techniques, and an interesting organization of content, especially on spectacles pages.

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TACN, Talia Cohen design studio

TACN, Talia Cohen design studio

Talia Cohen is a graphic designer working in Vancouver, Canada, through her studio TACN. She essentially works for the package design, advertising and identity fields. Among her works, I think the most interesting are package designs (simple, sober, with a beautiful use of typography), and identities, which use illustration into the logotypes. This is a rare way to design identities today, but I think it can be a very nice differenciation element in many cases.

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Munge Leung, luxury interior design

Munge Leung is an interior design firm located in Toronto, Canada. Founded in 1997, the firm specialized its work into interior design for the fields of hospitality, nightclubs, restaurants and original personnal houses. Between decoration, product design and architecture, the works contains a lot of beautiful details in a whole project, which allows the agency to work on huge proposals.
Pictures and link in the rest of the article.

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Polyester Studio

Polyester Studio is a multidisciplinary design studio located in Toronto, Canada. If a large part of their works are motion graphics centered, the studio's portfolio shows nice works in the fields of identity, illustration and graphic design. There is an outstanding rough and original aspect in their works, which is brought by bright colours, intricate graphics and original typography choices.
Pictures and link in the rest of this post !

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Studio Dialog, corporate motion graphics

Studio Dialog, a canadian studio specialized into motion graphics

Studio Dialog is a studio specialized into motion graphics located in Calgary, Canada. Founded in 2005 by Steve Seeley and Robb Thompson, the team's philosophy relies on finding creativity through collaboration. Even if they sometimes work on printed or webdesign projects, the most of their production is motion design, with realisations for clients like Mercedes, Rolex, and some TV Channels. If we had to define a style for the work of the studio, I should say their specialists for 'corporate' videos, sequences between advertising and information.
Some videos and links in the rest of the article.

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