Sur les murs de Lisbonne

Lisbonne street art

Lisbonne est une ville magnifique ! Capitale du Portugal, pays bien connu pour ses fameux Azulejos (entre autres), ces carreaux aux motifs variés et colorés qui ornent les façades des bâtiments, des plus simples aux plus raffinés. J’ai eu la chance de visiter la ville dernièrement, et les murs sont en effet magnifiques, mais aussi grâce au street art ! Grande surprise pour ma part, je ne m’attendais pas du tout à ce genre d’art à Lisbonne. En fait, il s’avère que beaucoup de bâtiments de cette vieille cité sont en attente de restauration, la municipalité étant propriétaire de nombre d’entre eux. Pour valoriser ces façades détériorées, le conseil municipal a décidé de les proposer aux meilleurs artistes internationaux, leur permettant de s’exprimer sur des surfaces conséquentes, en plein coeur de la ville ! Une idée que je trouve géniale, qui prouve l’ouverture d’esprit des habitants et des pouvoirs publics. Ci-dessous je vous propose quelques clichés des oeuvres que j’ai pu croiser, mais sachez qu’il y en a beaucoup, vraiment beaucoup plus (plusieurs centaines je pense). En espérant vous avoir donné envie de visiter cette belle ville !

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The sub-marine world of Courtney Mattison

art ocean et ceramique by Courtney Mattison

Trough her work, artist and activist Courtney Mattison shows the oceans beauty and diversity, with a special focus on seafloors. Her ceramic creations are directly inspired by sea life and we can find a lot of amazing details and textures in her pieces of art as well as in her decorative production. Her goal, through her creations, is to "influence policy makers and the public to appreciate the fragile beauty of our endangered marine ecosystems". A very interesting approach, mixing up art and science with a fine subtlety, as a result of her interdisciplinary BA in sculpture and marine ecology.

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Strange knitting masks by Tracy Widdess

Knitting masks by artist Tracy Widdess

For some years, knitting is becoming trendy, and we can see it more and more used by artists (as well as some other textile techniques). Far away from scarves and bobble hats, artists consider knitting as a medium, in order to create real pieces of art, without any utility.
Tracy Widdess, a Vancouver based artist, explores the knitting technique with a very personnal approach, by creating a series of masks. Inspired by science-fiction and old horror movies, these unidentified creatures are made with high precision, with a lot of details, giving them a curious credible look. With a bit of imagination, their show could even recall old ethnology photographs.

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Tribute to Zao Wou-Ki

Hommage au peintre franco-chinois Zao Wou-Ki

I just read into my news feeds that the painter Zao Wou-Ki passed away yesterday. I find his work very interesting, and so I wanted to show some pictures of his work, some of my readers surely don't know this great artist. Zao Wou-Ki was born in China, and has been initially trained to traditionnal chinese painting. After coming to France in 1948, he met important french artists like Henri Michaux, Paul Klee or André Malraux. Their influence helped the artist to create his own style, later called lyric abstraction. His paintings put the viewer in a very singular feeling, a kind of reverie.

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Interview with Robert Proch, multidisciplinary artist

It's been a long time I didn't wrote any interview on, but when I thought about introducing the work of Robert Proch, I wanted to ask him some questions. These last months, we saw some pictures of this multidisciplinary artist form Poland buzzing around the web, mostly his huge street art works. Often at the borders of abstraction, the artist plays with colours and shapes, giving his compositions a very original point of vue and graphic style, with a striking touch. Known for his murals and canvas, the artist also created short animation films which are really interesting, both for the direction and the graphic style.

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404 Concept : illustration and wall art

404 Concept, un duo de designers et artistes

404 Concept is an art and design collective founded by french designers Pierre Coulanges and Jérôme Beguier. After several works as freelancers and with agencies, they decided in 2011 to focus on their common projects and they moved to London. They specialize in illustration and wall design, playing with different mediums and with the architecture of each place to express their creativity.

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